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Writer's pictureBretton Lakes

Join The Wave: An Introduction To Surfing

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

Surfing, the art of riding ocean waves, is an exhilarating and addictive water sport that attracts adventure seekers from all walks of life. If you've ever dreamed of harnessing the power of the ocean and experiencing the thrill of gliding across waves, getting started in surfing is an excellent choice. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with the essential steps to embark on your surfing journey, from selecting the right equipment to mastering basic techniques. So, grab your surfboard, wax up, and get ready to ride the waves like a true water enthusiast.

Understanding the Basics:

Before paddling out into the surf, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the fundamental concepts of surfing. Learn about wave anatomy, including wave formation, breaks, and the different types of waves suitable for beginners. Understand the importance of ocean safety, including reading surf conditions, identifying hazards, and practicing proper etiquette in the lineup. Gain knowledge of surfing terminology, such as sets, lineups, and takeoff zones, to effectively communicate with fellow surfers.

Wave Formation:

Waves are created when wind energy transfers to the surface of the ocean. The stronger and longer the wind blows over a particular area, the larger and more powerful the waves become. The combination of wind speed, duration, and fetch (the distance over which the wind travels) determines a wave's size.

Wave Characteristics:

  • Crest: The highest point of a wave, where it begins to break and curl.

  • Trough: The lowest point between two waves, the opposite of the crest.

  • Face: The sloping part of the wave between the crest and the trough.

  • Lip: The top edge of the wave, often curling or breaking as the wave advances.

  • Peak: The most powerful part of the wave, where it's ideal for riding.

  • Shoulder: The unbroken part of the wave that extends from the peak to the trough.

  • Lineup: The area where surfers wait to catch waves, usually just beyond the breaking point.

Types of Waves:

  • Point Break: These waves break parallel to the shoreline, making them ideal for long rides. They are often created by a headland or point of land that focuses wave energy.

  • Beach Break: Found in areas with sandy bottoms, beach breaks are known for their shifting and unpredictable peaks. They can offer both left and right rides.

  • Reef Break: Formed over a coral reef or rocky seabed, reef breaks are known for their consistency and powerful waves. They can be challenging due to the shallow water and sharp obstacles.

  • A-Frame: This is a perfectly shaped wave that breaks evenly left and right from the peak, offering ideal conditions for surfers to ride in either direction.

Wave Energy and Swell:

Waves carry energy through the water, and this energy is transported in groups known as "swells." Swells can travel vast distances across the open ocean, maintaining their energy and organization. When swells approach shallower water or encounter obstacles like reefs or sandbars, they transform into surfable waves.

Wave Height:

Wave height is measured from the trough to the crest, commonly expressed in feet or meters. The bigger the wave, the more challenging it can be to surf, especially for beginners.

Wave Period:

Wave period refers to the time it takes for two successive wave crests to pass a fixed point. It is measured in seconds. Longer wave periods typically indicate more powerful, better-formed waves.

Breaking Waves:

Waves break when their energy becomes unstable, and they can no longer sustain their shape. This usually happens when the depth of the water decreases as the wave approaches the shore. The type of break (plunging, spilling, or surging) depends on the wave's steepness and the underwater topography.

Wave Direction:

Wave direction is the compass heading from which the waves are coming. It's an essential factor for surfers as they position themselves to catch the best waves in a lineup. Understanding the anatomy of a wave is crucial for surfers of all levels. It allows you to read the ocean, anticipate wave behavior, and position yourself for the perfect ride. As you spend more time in the water, your knowledge of wave anatomy will become second nature, enhancing your surfing experience and connection with the incredible forces of the sea.

Selecting the Right Equipment:

Choosing the appropriate surfboard is key to your success as a beginner surfer. Start with a longboard or a foam board, as these provide stability and floatation, making it easier to catch waves and maintain balance. Consider factors such as your weight, height, and skill level when selecting the size and volume of your board. Additionally, invest in a good-quality leash to keep your board attached to your ankle and ensure your safety in the water. As you progress, you can explore different types of boards that suit your evolving skills and wave preferences.

  • Surfboard: Beginners often start with a longboard or foamboard, which provide stability and buoyancy. As you progress, you can transition to shorter boards for more maneuverability.

  • Leash: A surfboard leash attaches to your ankle and keeps your board from drifting away when you wipe out.

  • Wetsuit: Depending on the water temperature, you may need a wetsuit to stay warm. It also offers protection from the sun and potential scrapes.

  • Wax: Apply surfboard wax to the deck to provide traction and prevent slipping.

Types of Surfboards:

Surfboards come in various shapes and sizes, each designed for specific types of waves and surfing styles. Here's a list of common types of surfboards and their best uses:


  • Best For: Longboards are versatile and suitable for beginners and experienced surfers alike. They excel in small, slow waves and offer stability, making them great for learning and noseriding.


  • Best For: Shortboards are high-performance boards designed for more experienced surfers. They are ideal for fast, powerful waves and are known for their maneuverability, allowing for quick turns and aerial tricks.


  • Best For: Fish surfboards are excellent for smaller, mushier waves. They are wide and flat, providing excellent speed and stability. Fish boards are a good choice for surfers looking to have fun in less powerful conditions.

Funboard (Mini Malibu):

  • Best For: Funboards are a bridge between longboards and shortboards. They work well in a variety of conditions, making them suitable for beginners and intermediate surfers seeking versatility.


  • Best For: Hybrid boards combine features from various board types, offering a balance between stability and maneuverability. They are suitable for surfers who want versatility in different wave conditions.


  • Best For: Guns are designed for big waves, particularly in large surf or reef breaks. They are long, narrow, and built for speed and control in powerful conditions.

Step-Up Board:

  • Best For: Step-up boards are slightly smaller than guns and are used for larger waves that require increased maneuverability and control. They are often employed in critical, barreling waves.

Big-Wave Board (Rhino Chaser):

  • Best For: Big-wave boards are designed for enormous waves, such as those found at notorious big-wave spots like Mavericks or Jaws. They offer stability and control in extreme conditions.


  • Best For: Egg-shaped boards are versatile and work well in a range of conditions. They provide stability and are suitable for beginner to advanced surfers.

Mini Simmons:

  • Best For: Mini Simmons boards are short, wide, and fast. They excel in small to medium-sized waves and are known for their speed and maneuverability.


  • Best For: Single-fin boards are classics that work well in a variety of conditions. They are often favored by those looking to capture the essence of traditional longboarding.

Tow-In Board:

  • Best For: Tow-in boards are specifically designed for tow-in surfing, where a personal watercraft tows the surfer into massive waves. They are short, stable, and designed for control at high speeds.

Soft-Top Board:

  • Best For: Soft-top boards are beginner-friendly and ideal for learning to surf. They are stable, forgiving, and safe, making them perfect for newcomers.


  • Best For: Foamboards are designed for absolute beginners and are often used in surf schools. They are extremely buoyant and stable, making it easy for new surfers to catch small waves.


  • Best For: Hull-shaped boards are known for their unique design, offering smooth, flowing rides. They are best suited for surfers looking for a distinctive and retro experience.

Mastering Basic Techniques:

Building a strong foundation of surfing techniques is essential for progress and enjoyment in the sport. Begin with practicing paddling, as paddling efficiency directly impacts your ability to catch waves. Learn the proper technique, utilizing your arms and core muscles, and practice regularly to improve your paddling strength and endurance. Next, focus on pop-ups, the maneuver that gets you from lying on your board to standing upright. Practice the fluid motion of popping up quickly and smoothly to find your balance on the board.

Paddling Technique:

Paddling efficiently is the foundation of surfing. It's how you navigate the lineup, catch waves, and position yourself for the ride. Here's how to perfect your paddling technique:

  • Lie on your board with your chest on the center, chin up, and toes pointed down.

  • Keep your fingers together, cup your hands, and push down with each stroke, making sure to engage your entire arm from your fingertips to your shoulder.

  • Kick your feet lightly to assist with forward motion.

  • Look ahead, not down, to maintain balance.

Catching Waves:

Catching a wave is an exhilarating moment that requires timing and positioning. Follow these steps to catch a wave effectively:

  • As you paddle toward the wave, watch it closely to gauge its speed and timing.

  • Position your board so that you are perpendicular to the approaching wave (side-on) to maximize your chances of catching it.

  • When you feel the wave lifting your board, start paddling harder to match the wave's speed.

  • As the wave takes you, transition smoothly from paddling to the pop-up (standing) position.

Pop-Up Technique:

The pop-up is the critical moment when you transition from lying on your board to standing upright. Smooth execution is essential for maintaining balance and control:

  • Place your hands beside your shoulders, fingers pointing forward.

  • Push up with your arms while simultaneously bringing your back foot up and forward, positioning it under your chest.

  • Swing your front foot around and plant it on the board, shoulder-width apart, toes pointing toward the nose.

  • Maintain a low center of gravity with your knees slightly bent.

Riding the Wave:

Once you're on your feet, it's time to ride the wave. Here are some key pointers:

  • Keep your eyes on the horizon and your body balanced.

  • Shift your weight and lean into the wave to generate speed and control direction.

  • Use your arms for balance and subtle adjustments.

  • Your back foot should act as the rudder, helping steer the board.

  • Practice trimming (shifting weight forward and back) to maintain the optimal position on the wave face.

Basic Turns:

Once you've mastered the straight ride, it's time to add some style with basic turns:

  • To perform a bottom turn (turning back toward the breaking part of the wave), shift your weight back and angle your board diagonally across the wave.

  • For a top turn (turning back toward the open face), shift your weight forward and initiate the turn by applying pressure on your toes or heels, depending on the direction you want to go.

Exiting the Wave:

At some point, you'll need to exit the wave safely:

  • As the wave loses power or begins to close out, angle your board toward the shoreline.

  • Lean slightly toward the tail of the board to maintain control.

  • Begin paddling back out to the lineup or to a safe spot to catch another wave.

Understanding Wave Selection and Etiquette:

Choosing the right waves and understanding the etiquette in the lineup are crucial aspects of surfing. Learn to identify and select appropriate waves for your skill level, aiming for small, gently breaking waves as a beginner. Understand the concept of priority, where the surfer closest to the peak of the wave has the right of way. Respect the lineup, wait your turn, and communicate with other surfers to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Building Strength and Fitness:

Surfing demands a certain level of physical fitness and stamina. Engage in exercises that improve your strength, balance, and flexibility, such as swimming, yoga, and core workouts. Incorporate cardiovascular activities to enhance your endurance and paddle power. Regular physical training will not only improve your surfing abilities but also reduce the risk of injury and help you recover faster.

Surfing Safety: Riding the Waves Responsibly:

Surfing safely is the foundation of a thrilling and enjoyable experience in the ocean. It starts with understanding your own abilities and choosing the right surf spot and equipment accordingly. Being a strong swimmer is essential, as is being well-versed in surf conditions, tides, and currents. Adhering to surf etiquette and respecting the environment fosters a positive surfing culture and keeps everyone safe. Wearing proper safety gear, such as a leash and wetsuit, provides added protection. Staying aware of weather conditions, practicing first aid, and having an emergency plan in place ensures you're prepared for unexpected situations. Ultimately, safety in surfing is about respecting the power of the ocean, knowing your limits, and making responsible choices both in and out of the water.

Embarking on a surfing journey is an incredible way to connect with the ocean and experience the thrill of riding waves. By understanding the basics, selecting the right equipment, mastering techniques, respecting wave selection and etiquette, and building strength and fitness, you'll be well on your way to becoming a skilled surfer. Remember to respect the ocean, practice proper safety measures, and embrace the joy and challenges that come with the sport. So, paddle out, catch waves, and let the rhythm of the ocean guide you on your surfing adventure.

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